The Flow Effect is a simple yet powerful documentary of a human’s innate connection with the ocean.
Through the eyes of Freediver, Olivia Rose, we are taken into the beauty of the deep blue sea - a whole other world filled with natures biggest secrets and natural wonders.

One breath at a time Liv is taken to a place of complete and utter freedom - it lies in the power of the sea allowing its infinite motion and sheer strength to let her dance in a weightless world - this is where her content lies.
Submerged under the silver surface, Liv shows us the beauty of controlling your mind to connect with what is going on in your body as you descend to the great depths of the big blue.

This is not only a documentary about freediving, but more a story of a woman who encourages us all to connect our bodies with the ocean. Diving is an innate ability within all humans and Liv believes that if we could all connect with this side, then the world could be a different place.